Zquiet Review: Live Video Showing My Zquiet Stop-Snoring Mouthpiece Really Works


Chances are, you or your spouse snore too loudly at night. If not, you probably wouldn’t be reading this….

I used to be just like you – maybe even worse. I used to snore so loudly that my wife couldn’t sleep. Sometimes it was so ridiculously loud that she couldn’t handle it…

She’d get so frustrated that she would wake me up and we would actually argue in the middle of the night… but not anymore…

We were watching TV one night while lying in bed and saw a commercial for the ZQuiet Mouthpiece…

Suddenly, my wife rocketed out of the bed and ran to grab her phone. I noticed she seemed alarmed and asked her “what’s wrong, everything okay?”…

“I’m ordering it right now!” she said.

“Ordering what?” I asked? I didn’t understand what she was talking about…

She responded with an angry look and said “ZQuiet! The stop snoring thing from the commercial”…

Honestly, I hadn’t been paying attention to the commercial – I was tired and my mind was wandering and thinking about work things.

“Babe, come to sleep. You can order it tomorrow! Geez…”

But she persisted. She got back in the bed with her phone blaring its bright screen next to my head and started typing away.

“Nope, tomorrow I’ll forget and then I’ll never order it. I’m doing it right now!” …

I kind of gave a mental eye roll and just went back to trying to doze off. Three or four minutes passed and my wife says “Done!” It’ll be here in three days and we’ll see how it works.” She seemed happy and accomplished, but i just brushed it off…

Stop Snoring

You see, I knew I snored… and I knew I snored a LOT. But honestly, I was probably being a bit selfish…

I really didn’t take into consideration the negative affect it had on her. While I’d be comfortably in deep sleep, she was tossing and turning nearly every night…

She’s a light sleeper, and some days she’d be irritated and complaining of being tired. “I’m tired because I barely slept last night at all, your snoring keeps me awake!” I’d respond that I was sorry, and sometimes I felt a bit guilty, but only temporarily. I truly wasn’t being considerate…

A couple days later when I got home from work my wife came up in a good mood and said “Look, your anti-snoring thing came today! You don’t have to boil it and mold it to your teeth or any of that. It’s ready to work right out of the box”…

She opened the instructions and was eagerly reading bits and pieces to me. “It says it uses “Living Hinge Technology”. It’s patented and there’s no other mouthpiece like it on the market…

zquiet review

The other stop-snoring devices don’t have this – they’re all like a mouth guard. But this one, it’s hinged… so it’s supposed to allow you to open your mouth without the mouth guard falling out. It looks like really nice quality…”

I wasn’t too excited about using the thing to be honest, but that was just me thinking selfishly again. I decided that it’s worth a try. She’d already bought it, and I do love her very much… plus, if she’s actually this excited about something that’s going to stop my snoring, then I owe it to her to test it out. So I did…

And low and behold, IT WORKS! ….and I have the video evidence to prove it.

Watch the Video of Me Sleeping with the ZQuiet Mouthpiece Live in Action

I can now officially say that I used to be like YOU. I used to snore too much… But I never really cared about it since obviously I was asleep…

But I’ll admit that I didn’t like being nudged and woken up by my wife in the middle of the night – and I definitely didn’t like being woken up and having an huge argument at 3:50 am about my snoring when I had to be up for work at 5:15…

When she woke me because I couldn’t stop snoring, it caused me to lose sleep. That angered me. But SHE was the one who was more angered. She wasn’t sleeping at all. But, that’s all changed now. My wife is getting the rest that she has desperately needed…

In the same way that I hadn’t put much thought into how my snoring bothered her, I never put much thought into how it actually affected her…

Something Strange Happened…

snoring marriage

I noticed one day that my wife had a bit of a glow to her. My wife is beautiful, so she’s always glowing -even when she’s angry… But she was really glowing!…

Her mood was good, she was positive, and she had a better-than-normal attitude. I knew that she’d been happy the last few weeks since I’d been using the ZQuiet Mouthpiece to prevent me from snoring, but I didn’t put two and two together…

Then, finally it clicked. A lightbulb went off in my head… I’d been COMPLETELY depriving my wife of sleep! She’d been dealing with my snoring for years…

But over the last few weeks she’s been getting the rest she needed – and it has TOTALLY transformed her attitude. She wasn’t drinking so much coffee, she was looking and feeling better, and she had more energy. She literally seemed like a completely transformed woman…

I mentioned this to her. I told her that I noticed how her mood is better, how she seems to have more energy and be less irritable…

“See? I told you! It’s because I’m finally able to get a full night of rest without your damn snoring. And by the way, YOU DON”T SNORE. Really, you don’t snore AT ALL – and it’s such a f*cking relief! I’d practically forgotten what a good night’s sleep feels like”…

She paused a couple moments… “And to think that you told me to order it tomorrow! Ha! I never would have ordered it. Thank GOD – it’s the best decision I’ve made in years…”

… and that was all she said.

The ZQuiet Mouthpiece is a Win-Win Situation

It’s been a win-win situation. No more nudges and annoyances during the night from her trying to get me to stop snoring, and no more miserable days for her…

It makes me feel guilty that I hadn’t bought it sooner, but I never really knew about it. Even if I had known about it, there’s a 99% chance I wouldn’t have ordered it anyway. So yes, I’m very grateful that my wife decided to buy it…

Now, I won’t lie – it definitely took a few days of getting used to going to sleep with the mouthpiece in. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but only because it seemed un-natural to sleep with something in my mouth. But like I said, it’s totally normal now…

About a month has passed and I’ll sometimes forget to put it in before I doze off, but not before my wife reminds me. It’s becoming a habit, and I haven’t experienced any negative affects whatsoever…

It works, and I KNOW it works. And so do you, because you already watched my video…

stop snoring mouthpiece

So…. How do I rate the ZQuiet Stop Snoring Mouthpiece? Here are some of the things I like about it:

  • No more interrupted nights of sleep and a happier, healthier wife
  • The hinged design. I can’t imagine using a mouthpiece without this feature
  • I feel well-rested (more on that in a minute)
  • It comes with two different guards to ensure the perfect fit
  • Extremely well made with quality materials
  • Includes a nice case for storage & travel
  • The product is dentist-designed (I didn’t know this)
  • Never slips or moves in/out of my mouth
  • The design is unique to ensure I can breathe easily

….Plus, there’s a 30-day, 100% no-hassle, money back guarantee (not that I need it, but I have to mention that for those of you who are weary about it)…

It’s actually a 35-day guarantee, because they let you sleep with it for thirty full days, which allows for 5 days to return it if you don’t like it… But trust me, I see no reason that anyone won’t like it…

The Bad Thing About ZQuiet

Now, here’s the only downside. It’s not a huge deal, but let me tell you the story…

I was at the department store to pickup up a few things, and near the checkout I saw an anti-snoring mouthpiece called Pure Sleep. I wouldn’t have given it a second look, but since I had the ZQuiet, it drew my attention…

I was confident that ZQuiet was the best, so I grabbed the Pure Sleep from the shelf to look at the package. It claimed to be the most comfortable mouthpiece on the market…

Mind you, I’d been using the ZQuiet for two weeks when this happened, and the Pure Sleep didn’t seem as bulky. I thought that since the mouthpiece I had worked so well – and since it was the first and only one I’ve ever tried – I might as well give this one a shot…

Well, let me tell you… Their claims are true. It was extremely comfortable. I opened it in the parking lot and popped it into my mouth to see how it felt and it was great…

Unfortunately, when I went to sleep that night…

snoring mouthpiece

Let’s just say I’m lucky to be here writing this review right now. The Pure Sleep is so small that my upper jaw completely slipped over the top of the mouthpiece in the middle of my first night’s sleep. Besides snoring, I’m lucky my wife woke me before I started choking on it lol…

So while ZQuiet may not be the most comfortable, I now understand how futile it is for any company to try and compete with it. I have had ZERO problems with the ZQuiet, yet the first night I tried something else, I nearly choked to death! Lol..

I know it’s not funny, but seriously, I must stress that there’s just no comparison to the real deal. These $10, $20, and even $30 stop-snoring devices simply do not stand a chance against ZQuiet’s patented design, and I’ll stand by that statement, 100%.

How and Why ZQuiet Works

The dentist-designed “Living-Hinge Technology” is based on the same, clinically proven design that all stop-snoring mouthpieces use. They are technically called Mandibular Adjustment Devices, and they function by gently holding your lower jaw forward past your upper jaw, which holds your airway open so you don’t snore…

But there are more benefits to not snoring than simply not bothering your partner or roommate…

snoring mouthpiece

Snoring Causes A Lot Of Problems:

  • The longer and louder a person snores, the greater the long-term risk for stroke from the vibrations of snoring
  • Long-term snoring can increase the risk for irregular heart rhythm
  • Snoring has been linked to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease
  • Can disrupt your sleep
  • Cause daytime sleepiness
  • Leads to concentration problems
  • Increases likelihood of car accidents
  • Causes marital/relationship issues

Quit waiting! Get better sleep! Have a better marriage and Stop Your Snoring NOW! What are you waiting for? What more proof do you need? Nothing will happen if you don’t take action now….

My Final Verdict on ZQuiet to Stop Snoring

I love my ZQuiet mouthpiece. It worked as soon as I got it, although, as I already told you I wasn’t super excited about trying it. The first size didn’t quite work, so I tried the second size mouthpiece on the second night and it fit perfectly…

It doesn’t get any easier than this folks. I am continuing to try stop-snoring products just to prove this, and I still can’t find anything close to ZQuiet as far as results and comfort. Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to keep up on my test results…

zquiet review

What Others Are Saying About Zquiet…

Ron D. – Verified Reviewer
Excellent Product! Not only does it solve the snoring problem so that my wife can sleep, it helps me sleep better, more soundly and usually, through the night. I am a Zquiet fan!

Pamela M. – Verified Reviewer
My snoring stopped the first night I wore it, so it definitely did the trick. It’s a bit big and my mouth opens a little when I’m asleep so I sometimes drool. My husband is very happy I don’t snore.

David K. – Verified Reviewer
Purchased ZQuiet and stopped snoring the first night. I did not feel uncomfortable with ZQuiet in my mouth. I have experienced deeper sleep and wake up refreshed, not tired. I have tried other products to stop snoring, but none were as easy to use as ZQuiet.

Read More Zquiet Testimonials Here…

Zquiet F.A.Q.s

Where Can I Purchase Zquiet?
Purchase Directly From the Manufacture Here…

What Guarantee Do I have That Zquiet Works?
ZQuiet offers a 30 Night Better Sleep Guarantee™. Enjoy ZQuiet products for a full 30 nights worry free. If you are unsatisfied for ANY reason whatsoever, simply ship back your ZQuiet product with Return Authorization (RMA) within 30 days for refund or credit (trial, shipping and processing fees are non-refundable). 

If I have Sleep Apnea can I use a ZQuiet Mouthpiece?
The ZQuiet Mouthpiece is not meant to treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a medical condition, which requires supervised treatment from a qualified medical specialist. If you have sleep apnea, please consult your physician to determine whether or not ZQuiet would be an appropriate solution to treat your snoring.

Can I use a ZQuiet Mouthpiece with dentures?
ZQuiet uses the front teeth (upper and lower) to advance the lower jaw. If the denture (upper or lower) includes just one of these teeth, it is normally fine to use ZQuiet . If it is a partial denture and 2 or more of the 6 front teeth in a jaw are missing, the ZQuiet should not be used. Do not use ZQuiet if you have full dentures.

Will there be any jaw soreness when using a mouthpiece?
The average person requires an adjustment period of a few hours to a few weeks to reach maximum comfort. During this period you may feel some discomfort, but this should disappear shortly after removing the ZQuiet mouthpiece. Moving the jaw forward is what quiets the snoring; and this movement requires some initial conditioning of your jaw muscles. Consider adding ZQuiet Chin-UP to help relieve jaw soreness. Note: ZQuiet is contraindicated for anyone with jaw issues or TMJ.

See More Frequently Asked Questions Here…