Is Snoring Dangerous?

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Snoring is dangerous to your heath and relationship…

snoring dangerous

Snoring is dangerous for relationships because staying awake night after night listening to your loved snoring (and sleeping) can be seriously irritating and disgusting…

The conflict between spouses begins with sleep deprivation, when a non-snoring partner suffers insomnia, leading to irritability and spats within the family. In many homes, over 50% of the snorers sleep alone in a separate room, which further creates distance between the couples.


Is Snoring a Reason for Divorce?

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snoring divorce

Snoring is not a good reason to get a divorce! The problem with snoring is that it leads to sleep deprivation which leads to mood and health problems which then end up leading to divorce if the snoring is not solved. There are simple solutions to snoring, like an oral device or a sleep study/C-Pap and it should never be a reason to get a divorce!…

Since I have already had problems in my …


How To Stop Snoring Naturally

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How do you feel when you’re sleeping next to someone who snores really loud? The temptation to deliver a light, but not-so-gentle smack across the face may linger LOL. Trust me, I know how you feel!

naturally stop snoring

Snoring doesn’t just mean a person isn’t sleeping properly, it also means the person (or people) around would be deprived of a good night’s sleep also!

Some people take meds to tackle their snoring problem, but is that the …


How to Stop Snoring Immediately? Is it Even Possible?

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The first thing I need to say here is that immediately may be a stronger word than some people realize when they are asking this question…

immediately stop snoring

The first definition that I came across with a google search stated that immediately meant, “at once or in an instant.”…

The reason that I started this website and continually test stop snoring products is because of my own experience with snoring. From my experience, the only way to …


SnoreLab Stop Snoring App: Your Answer to Sweet Dreams!

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Do you have a snoring problem?..

Is your partner fed up with you snoring and them missing out on sleep due to it?..

The Snorelab App is part of the solution. Snorelab will determine how bad your snoring really is and track it during the night while you try different snoring remedies. The only way to make sure your snoring is improving is by tracking it. This is where the snorelab app comes in…

snoring app



Newborn Baby Snoring? How to Stop it the Easy Way

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newborn snoring

When you are a new parent, there are so many things lined up for you to worry about. You’ve got to sort out your baby’s feeding schedule, the right diapers to wear, sleepless nights, and of course the constant crying.

Did you ever think snoring would be among the things you’d have to worry about? I didn’t think so either.

Believe it or not, it isn’t uncommon for babies to snore. In fact, it’s really …


Snoring While I’m Pregnant? Really? Why?

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Snoring pregnancy

My wife and I tried to have a baby for 6 years to no avail so when she finally became pregnant you could imagine our excitement. We were pretty much prepared for anything at that point until she started snoring!

 It started at some point during her second trimester (from week 13 to the end of week 26) if I remember right. We were completely blown away…

 I had already taken care of my snoring …


Do Stop Snoring Mouthpieces Really Work?

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It is estimated that over 90 million Americans snore. While snoring for some is caused by a serious medical condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) that may need special medical equipment, others are afflicted with what’s known as “simple snoring” …

Simple snoring doesn’t cause you to stop breathing for extended periods of time, but can be loud and disruptive to both you and your partner…

Since millions of people are looking for snoring solutions, …


How Snoring Can Destroy Your Life!

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Snoring affects your health in many ways, from increasing your chances of getting heart disease to emotionally distancing you from your partner (Studies show that there is a 10000% chance you’ll get kicked out of bed and end up sleeping on the couch. Ok, so that’s not a real study, but it’s probably not far from the truth.) The quality of your sleep is directly affected by your snoring, which can cause a slew of …


How A Piece of Plastic Saved My Marriage (and stopped my snoring)

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how to stop snoring and save your marriage

Until I found the solution to my snoring, it caused a lot of problems between my spouse and I..

My wife found it hard to sleep at night – because of my snoring it sounded like an air show in our bedroom; planes might as well have been taking off right next to her head!

She would wake up and elbow me in frustration, leaving each of us destined to sleep only half the night. …